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Privacy Policy



我們尊重個人資料私隱,并盡力遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》(香港特別行政區法例第 486 章)(以下簡稱為「條例」)。 當我們向個人收集個人資料,我們會在收集時或前以適當的形式和方法發出《收集個人資料聲明》。

  1. 個人資料的收集 我們收集的個人資料可能會包括:
    1. 個人身份信息比如姓名、性別和生日
    2. 聯絡信息比如電話號碼、電子郵件地址、住址、通訊地址和寄發賬單地址 c) 賬戶信息比如用戶賬戶資料和社交媒體聯絡資料
    3. 訂閱和訂購資料,包括付款記錄
    4. 個人愛好和偏好
    5. 業務信息包括公司名稱和職銜
  2. 用途 你提供的信息會有一些用途,包括:
    1. 開設網上用戶帳號
    2. 提供一些網上內容的閱讀權限
    3. 處理訂閱、訂單和參加活動的登記
    4. 處理付款指示和追討欠款
    5. 安排郵寄和送貨
    6. 運營和以上事項相關的服務,比如處理相關的客服電話和查詢
    7. 向你提供市場和服務動態、促銷和優惠信息,以及你感興趣的活動信息
    8. 進行比賽、抽獎和促銷
    9. 進行市場、人群組成方面調查以了解讀者和顧客模式
    10. 遵守相關法律法規的要求
    11. 滿足其他與信息收集的最初目的直接相關的運營、會計、審計和法律方面的需要
  3. 直接促銷我們收集到的信息也會用於我們或者我們的商業夥伴通過不同渠道進行的直接促銷。就此,我 們需要取得你的同意(或者你表示不反對)。 如果你不想收到直接促銷的通訊,可以隨時透 過你的註冊賬戶或我們提供的取消訂閱連結更新你的喜好。
  4. 個人資料的保留我們只會將個人資料保存至達到收集個人資料之原本目的為止,除非法律規定要求我們保存你的個人資料一段特定的時間。
  5. 個人資料的轉移

    • 我們的附屬機構、網上商店的商戶和商業夥伴:使他們能夠向你提供服務、進行行政操作和就 你表達興趣的產品和服務聯繫你
    • 代理或服務提供者:使他們能夠向我們或者代表我們行使職能或者提供服務,比方派送雜誌和 /或其他產品、進行會計或者審計和提供科技方面的支持。這些將受制與他們對我們的合約責 任:不將這些信息用於向我們提供或者代表我們提供服務之外
    • 我們權利或者業務的實際或者建議承讓人、受讓人、參與人或附屬參與人:在商業轉讓的情況 下
    • 當涉及法律或者規管方面的問題,有關方面、代理、權威機構和組織機構:為了(a)保護和捍 衛我們或者我們的附屬機構、本網站的其他用戶或公眾的權利、財產或安全;(b) 執行本網站的使用條款和條件;(c) 應對關於任何內容侵犯第三者權利的索償;(d) 應對關於疑似或者確實 非法行為;(e) 應對關於投訴或者安全威脅的審計和調查;或 (f) 遵守適用的法律、法規、法律 程序或者政府要求如必要,我們可能會因個人資料採集的原本用途或者與之直接相關的用途,將個人資料轉移到香港特別行政區以外。這些轉移都將遵守條例的要求。
  6. 查閱、更正和查詢你有權要求查閱和更正我們所持有的關於你的信息。如果你希望查閱和更正你通過在線註冊所 提供的個人資料,你可以登錄我們的網站檢閱和修改。有關我們持有的其他個人資料,或者我 們的隱私政策的疑問,你可以通過電郵聯絡我們(info@macywine.com.hk)或者來信:

我們會經常性檢審我們的隱私政策。 本聲明最近更新與 2016年11月28日。

We respect personal data privacy and are committed to the compliance of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (the “PDPO”).

When we collect personal data from individuals, we will give a Personal Information Collection Statement on or before the collection in an appropriate format and manner.

Statement of practice

  1. Collection of personal data

    The type of personal data collected by us may include:

    1. identification information such as name, gender, date of birth
    2. contact information such as telephone number, email address, residential address, mailing address, billing address
    3. account information such as user account details and social media contact
    4. subscription and order details, including payment record
    5. personal interest and preference
    6. business information such as company name and business title
  2. Purpose

    The information you provide may be processed in a number of ways, including:

    1. to enable your registration as an online user
    2. to provide you with access to certain online content
    3. to process your subscription, order and event enrollment
    4. to process payment instructions or to collect outstanding amount
    5. to arrange shipping and delivery
    6. to administer services in connection with the above, for example, handling service calls and enquiries
    7. to send you market and service updates, promotion and offer details and information on events of interest
    8. to run competitions, prize draws and promotions
    9. to carry out market and demographic studies to understand reader and customer pattern
    10. to comply with requirements under applicable laws and regulations
    11. to fulfill other operational, accounting, auditing and legal needs directly related to the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected We also collate information about site traffic, sales, rating and reviews which we may pass on to third parties but this information may not include any information which can identify you personally.
  3. Direct Marketing

    The information collected may be used for direct marketing by us, or sometimes our business partners, via various media. We require your consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose.

    If you prefer not to receive any direct marketing communications from us, you can opt out at any time by updating your preferences through your registered account or a unsubscribe link provided.

  4. Retention of personal data

    Unless there is a mandatory legal requirement for us to keep your personal data for a specified period, we will only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the personal data were originally collected.

  5. Transfer of personal data

    Personal data held by us will be kept confidential but may be provided to the following parties under certain circumstances:

    • affiliates, online shop vendors and business partners: to enable them to provide services to you, perform administrative functions and contact you regarding products and services that you have expressed an interest
    • agents and service providers: to enable them to perform functions or services for us or on our behalf, such as delivery of magazines and/or other products, accounting and auditing, and technology support, subject to contractual restrictions from using it for purposes other than providing services for us or on our behalf
    • any actual or proposed assignee, transferee, participant or sub-participant of our rights or business: in the context of business transfers
    • relevant parties, agencies, authorities or organisations in connection with legal or regulatory matters: to (a) protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of us or our affiliates, other users of this site, or the public; (b) enforce the terms and conditions that apply to use of this site; (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; (d) respond to claims of suspected or actual illegal activity; (e) respond to an audit or investigate a complaint or security threat; or (f) comply with applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental requestsIf necessary, we may transfer the personal data to places outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for carrying out the purposes, or the directly related purposes, for which the personal data were collected. All the transfer of those personal data will be carried out in compliance with the requirements of the PDPO.
  6. Access, correction and queriesYou have the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about you. If you wish to access or correct your personal data supplied to us through online registration, you may log into our website to review and make change. For other personal data held by us, or any query in relation to our privacy policy, you may contact us by emailing at info@macywine.com.hk or writing to the following address:

A reasonable fee may be charged in connection with a data access request as permitted by the PDPO.

We keep our privacy policy statement under regular review. This statement was last updated on 28 November 2016.